The Environmental Design Conference recently concluded at Sarasota and with a successful dialogue for actionable housing change. And the local and industry leaders present here were right to point at the need for a real transition to sustainable housing. Among the many solutions and ideal products to drive this eco-friendly change, SIP panel home kits grabbed the most attention and queries, and for good reasons. If you’re someone looking to build a home that is ecologically sound apart from being strong, long lasting, and affordable, then steel SIP panel home kits should be your ideal eco-friendly building materials . However, for the last thirty years, builders have been slow to switch over to sustainable and eco-friendly products in home buildings. And Axios Tampa Bay’s Ben Montgomery puts it as, "Even if a greener product makes financial sense, builders are slow to switch. Nobody wants to go first." Nevertheless, the pandemic has changed it all, and it's the ...
Eco-$mart provides eco-friendly building materials to help you build your next energy-efficient, sustainable and healthyhome.