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Showing posts with the label eco-friendly building materials

Here’s Why SIP Panel Home Kits Became A Showstopper At Environmental Design Conference

The Environmental Design Conference recently concluded at Sarasota and with a successful dialogue for actionable housing change. And the local and industry leaders present here were right to point at the need for a real transition to sustainable housing.  Among the many solutions and ideal products to drive this eco-friendly change, SIP panel home kits grabbed the most attention and queries, and for good reasons.  If you’re someone looking to build a home that is ecologically sound apart from being strong, long lasting, and affordable, then steel SIP panel home kits should be your ideal eco-friendly building materials .  However, for the last thirty years, builders have been slow to switch over to sustainable and eco-friendly products in home buildings. And Axios Tampa Bay’s Ben Montgomery puts it as,  "Even if a greener product makes financial sense, builders are slow to switch. Nobody wants to go first." Nevertheless, the pandemic has changed it all, and it's the ...

An Ultimate Guide To Build Your Indoor Grow Room

  Did you know that a grow room can increase your hydroponic farming business manifold?  Indoor growing is all set to become a $44.3 billion market, and its growth potential is huge. With an indoor grow room you can benefit from this boom too.  But building and operating a grow room can be challenging, as it isn’t as easy as outdoor farming operations. That’s because there are multiple factors like eco-friendly building materials that you have to factor in to create the right indoor grow room ambiance.  That’s exactly why we have compiled this guide to help you build your ideal grow room, so let’s dive in.  Choose your indoor grow room location: You can build your indoor grow room just about anywhere. But the most common places are the basement, garage, and closet. #1. Building your grow room in the basement The basement is an ideal location to have a grow room since it is a well insulated enclosure. So you won’t need to use HVAC systems as frequently.  ...