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Why Metal Roofing Is The Go-to Roofing Solution In 2022


Before we discuss why metal roofing is a preferred roofing solution, you may ask what metal roofing exactly is.

Simply speaking, metal roofing is a roof system made using metal shingles, tiles, and panels.

The most common materials for metal roofing are steel and aluminum.

This is because these materials are economical, durable, and easy to mold into different shapes and


Metal has been used for roofing for thousands of years, with its traces found from the Roman Empire to

medieval European architecture. 

Why metal roofing is so ideal for your home

Let’s see how metal roofing can transform your roof and make it sturdy.

Metal roofing increases the longevity of your roof

Did you know metal roofs easily last up to 50 years. This is much more than any other roofing solution you’d find in the market.

For instance the traditional asphalt shingles have an average lifespan of 20 years, and for wood shakes it is 30 years.

Metal roofs are most durable

If your roof is of conventional materials, you have enough reasons to worry.

However, metal roofing is one such durable solution that can withstand hailstorms, hurricanes, gusts, heavy snow, etc. 

Also, it is fire resistant with Class A fire rating. So your roof remains safe even in extreme fires such as a wildfire.

Metal roofing is lightweight

With traditional roofing options you are sure to spend extra on roof reinforcements as they are bulky and increase roof weight.

Metal roofing, on the other hand, is lightweight. So you stand to save your money.

Saves the environment

Metal roofing is the go-to choice for eco-friendly housing for a reason. It can be recycled after its lifespan. 

Also metal shingles made of recycled materials are available in the market.

Asphalt shingles on the contrary can’t be recycled and end up in the dumpyards.

Needs little or no maintenance

Your traditional roofing needs regular maintenance, at least once a year. You end up spending much more in the long run.

With quality metal roofing, however, you might not have to look back on maintenance for a decade.

Saves up your energy bills

Metal roofing can have all the features of cool roofs. You can paint it in white or any light color to reflect sun rays.

This will keep your house cool during summer months, and reduce your energy costs.


As you can see, metal roofing has advantages that you can’t expect from traditional roofing.

All you need is a good installation, and you can be worry free on roofing for half a century. 



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